Meet the team: Evie


Get to know the people behind #TeamLaunch — from favourite projects to time away from the screen, and everything in between. Talented, up for a laugh and super passionate about all things design…


Who are you and what do you do?

Hey! My name is Evie, and I am currently working as a Trainee Designer at Launch whilst coming to the end of my Graphic Design degree!

What are you currently working on?

At Launch we are all super multi-disciplinary meaning we get to delve into all sorts of design. I am currently working on a variety of different briefs including social content for local company Red Door Recruitment, numerous editorial briefs for London Communication Agency as well as some in-house Launch design work 👀

What’s been your favourite project of the last 6 months?

So far this year, one of the briefs I’ve particularly enjoyed is creating social content for Red Door Recruitment to help boost their engagement. We’ve been designing a new campaign each month – relating to which month of the year it is, for example in February, we based it on Valentine’s Day and the idea of loving what you do. The briefs are very open allowing me to be super creative.


Tea or coffee?


What does good design mean to you?

I think design is super clever, it’s incredible how a message can be portrayed visually. Good design to me communicates the message well whilst looking aesthetically pleasing. I love design that is clean, memorable, and unique.

What’s the last song you listened to?

Greek Tradgedy – The Wombats

Who do you admire in the design industry and why?

I am a big fan of Louise Filli, an American graphic designer who specialises in packaging design. I love her style, use of patterns and typography which create such luxurious designs. I also really like @robinyayla on instagram. He combines photography with illustration to create great images which can also be quite humorous. Very clever!

What would your job be if you weren't a designer?

A nutritionist! I have a passion for food and cooking and would love to understand even more about the foods I’m putting into my body. Food is fuel!

What do you do to relax away from the screen?

In the summer I love to make the most of the outdoors, especially when it’s sunny – whether that be taking the dogs for a walk or sat in the garden with a glass of wine!

What are you most proud of since working at Launch?

How far I’ve come as a designer! I started here at Launch as an intern after my second year of university. Working alongside a team of qualified, talented people has been so inspiring and I’ve learnt so much!


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